Norix Group specializes in intensive-use furniture for challenging environments.  Due to the unique nature of the furniture, its assembly and installation, and the customers served – Norix has established its own installation group, to ensure the furniture is properly installed to Norix’ specifications by trained professionals.

Factory Authorized Installation Q&A:

What does a Factory Authorized Installation entail?

We offer a variety of installation services for your convenience and peace of mind, based on the requirements of your project.  These include:

  • Coordination by a dedicated Project Manager at Norix Factory
  • On-site project supervision by a trained Lead Supervisor
  • Logistics, coordination and scheduling furniture delivery
  • Meeting the delivery truck
  • Offloading, unpacking, staging and distributing furniture throughout your facility
  • Furniture layout per approved plan
  • Un-installing, removal and disposal of old furniture (if necessary)
  • Furniture assembly and installation labor by trained professional installers
  • Securely anchoring furniture to the wall and/or floor
  • Provide secure, tamper-resistant hardware for bolt-down applications
  • Remove packaging material and haul away cartage
  • Clean up all staging, assembly, and work areas
  • Conducting a walk-through inspection with facility representative to obtain final sign-off
  • Furniture warranty is reinforced by Factory Authorized Installation

Doesn’t the product warranty apply if someone else does the installation?

Yes, providing the installation is done properly to manufacturer’s specification.  Incorrect assembly — or an improper installation that damages or alters the product — voids the product warranty.  This includes any product damage incurred while transporting, assembling or installing the product on-site.  With a Factory Authorized Installation, Norix is responsible for the product during installation, reinforcing the Product Warranty.

More information about Norix Factory Authorized Furniture Installation…